Write to a better life

Writing Exercises for Asthma

Decrease in the severity of Asthma, a chronic inflammatory lung condition associated with wheezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing. Asthma occurs as a combination of genetics and environmental factors such as the presence of pollution and allergens.

  • Gratitude Journaling

    Gratitude can have a lasting positive effect on your wellbeing through activating prosocial circuits in the brain. Gratitude provides resilience to trauma, improve cardiovascular function, asthma, reduce inflammation, improve sleep quality, and many other benefits.

  • Expressive Writing

    Expressive Writing is a science backed writing exercise that involves writing about a traumatic event to help you remap your relationship to the event over time. It has a wide range of potential benefits with studies showing improvements in student GPAs, memory, arthritis, fibromyalgia, asthma, anxiety, stress, depression, wound healing, blood pressure, and more.